
Community Groups:

Our community groups are open to you! There are several around town, and we meet regularly (about every other week) to have a meal, enjoy a discussion about the previous sermon, or study scripture together, and share prayer time. Email Ashley Owens at to get plugged into a community group!

Children’s Ministry:

Our children, ages Pre-K through 2nd grade, have a special children’s church called “The Reef.” The kids begin Sunday service with the adults, but after a few worship songs and a bit of liturgy, the kids get to go to The Reef and have a time of learning and playing! Members rotate teaching the children so we can all get to know one another, and there’s always a fun activity to help get the wiggles out. Find an usher when you arrive, and they will be sure to let the teachers know to expect your child at The Reef! Younger children, ages newborn-3 years old, are invited to play in the nursery during church. We have cool toys, loving volunteers, and snacks! Contact Erin Solomon at for more information, or to be added to the nursery or Reef rotation!

Youth Ministry:

We value our youth just as Jesus does. Middle schoolers and high schoolers meet every week to learn all about growing in their faith. They enjoy Christian fellowship (games! fun! relationships!) and have the privilege of hanging out with some of our leaders. You might find them in a Nerf war in a member’s backyard, roasting marshmallows around a campfire, or serving in local missions together. Email Kevin Todd at to hear about the next youth gathering.


The Anglican Church is connected globally, but we are all about loving our local neighbors.  The Gospel, or Good News, is a relationship with Jesus.  A natural result of having a relationship with Jesus is the outpouring of love and care for our neighbors!  We love taking meals to folks, mowing the lawn of a neighbor with the inability to do so, or visiting with a lonely neighbor.  Our homes are the centers for local outreach, and we continue to learn about how to give missionally and receive care from others.  Let us know if you have a need!

Music Worship:

At Christ Our Hope, we enjoy a mix of contemporary and traditional music worship led by our team of volunteers. Some Sundays, we will have an electric guitar, others we will have a banjo or a trumpet. We also have a number of worship nights throughout the year to encourage community and a heart of worship. If you have any interest in joining our music worship team reach out to Kevin Todd at or Taylor Laite at

To see a playlist of songs we use on Sundays, head to this link:

Women’s Ministry:

Our women’s ministry has weekly Bible studies that meet in various locations to study God’s word. We also host special events like the IF Gathering at our church where we enjoy Bible teaching, music worship, and fellowship. Reach out to Erin Solomon at for more information on this ministry.

Men’s Ministry:

Our men’s ministry meets bright and early from 7-8am every Friday at Katy’s on College Rd. We spend our time enjoying breakfast, sharing laughs, and growing in faith. Some months we go through a book of the Bible together, and some months we listen to Christian podcasts together. We’d love for you to join us this Friday! Email Curt Solomon at for more information.

College Ministry:

Our college ministry has a men’s and women’s Bible study that meet biweekly to study the Word and share a meal.